Canadian Freethinker

A blog dedicated to freedom of thought, speech and life.

Canadian Atheist Bus Campaign

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Don't worry, I didn't fall off the edge of the earth.

It has been far to long since I last wrote something here.
I hope to be able to find time to at least post on Godless Religion Day.
Now that I've written the words "Godless Religion Day", it causes me to pause and think, does this make it sound as if I'm okay with religion as long as there is no God involved in it?
Maybe I should come up with a new title.
I have until Sunday to think of something so, I better get "cracking".

Until my next post, here is something from one of my other blogs:

Atheism and the null hypothesis.

Atheism, and science for that matter, are based upon the null hypothesis.

The null hypothesis operates from the premise that for every question asked about a phenomenon, it should be assumed that the answer is in the negative and not the affirmative.

For example, the question of whether or not something  exists should be approached from the position that it does not, until proven,otherwise.

During a discussion it is always, logically, assumed that a claim made relative to the existence of a phenomenon must be proven as true by the person making the claim.

The burden of proof does not lie with the person questioning the claim.

You cannot prove the non existence of a phenomenon.

Nor do you have to.


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